A Friend Request From Missionaries on Facebook Leads to Baptism

Sister Missionaries from the France, Lyon Mission sent a friend request to a man and started teaching him online.

A. believed in God but didn't have any kind of relationship with Him. At the beginning of the year, he felt impressed to look for God and started reading the Bible to get to know Him better. Although it helped, his spirit still hungered for something else. In February, A. opened a Facebook account. At the end of May, we sent him a friend request and he accepted because he saw some posts on our profile that talked about Jesus Christ. On June 1st, we created a group and began teaching him online via Zoom. During our first lesson (via video call),  we felt the Spirit so strongly and even felt love for him! We could see that A. was someone special, which was why we did our best to help him receive a testimony about the truths we were sharing.

Sister Missionaries with a man dressed for his baptism

Our members helped us during the lessons and their conversion stories made him understand that he was not alone on this journey. Although he was afraid of changing, his faith helped

him to keep every single commitment we invited him to make. He would read the scriptures, come to Church, participate at our branch activities... The only missing thing was his prayer to God to gain a spiritual confirmation. He already believed that the Book of Mormon is true because of the principles it teaches. He already felt closer to God and knew that the Lord loved  him. However, our friend still needed confirmation that baptism was the right step. We finally asked him to pray in the middle of our lesson on Messenger and he did. He prayed and felt it.

After the prayer, he told us that his heart was burning inside and that he felt so happy!!!!! We explained to him that that was God giving him an answer through the Holy Ghost. We extended another baptismal invitation and he said, 'Yes, I'm ready.' The rest is history. We finally met him in person for the first time in the second half of June when Church meetings could be held again in Switzerland. He really wanted to be baptized and because of that the doors of heaven were open. Miraculously, we were able to teach him almost every day of the week before his baptism because he didn't need to go into work. This past Saturday we witnessed one of the most beautiful baptisms in the lake and the Spirit was so strong. On Sunday, he shared his testimony by relating how merciful God had been in preparing him to meet with us and accept the Gospel. He's a miracle!!!

Sister Guaillas, Sister Sørensen and Sister Barbieri
France Lyon Mission