Our son, Elder Harry Ball, is currently living in a 4-man flat in St. Petersburg and has been out about 8 months. They are in lock down 22 hours a day, which is tough on them. Yet each day, they get dressed in a white shirt and tie and try to do what they can with the members. One thing that has been such a revelation to him is his patriarchal blessing. He often speaks fondly of it. His blessing states that he would have a great influence on his family members when he served a mission. At the time, we ‘thought’ we knew what that meant. We didn’t. He was recently instructed by his mission president to reach out to his family and friends in the UK and ask whether he can teach them the missionary discussions via video conference call. As a result, he is now regularly teaching four friends from college (and some of their parents), all of his grandparents, as well as a couple of other friends. Some of them are making great progress, praying, and reading the Book of Mormon. Our son is really keen to point out that this was all told to him in his patriarchal blessing.
President Russell Ball
Staines Stake President
England London Mission