You have heard of prophets in the Bible, and you may have heard of modern-day prophets too. Who are they? What is their purpose? Let’s talk about it.
Jesus Christ is the head of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Prophets, apostles, and local leaders throughout the world work to serve Christ and assist all members as they develop stronger relationships with Him.
God used prophets in the biblical times to relay His message and teach His children. Today, that same God is still calling prophets. Watch this video on why it’s important that we have prophets on the earth today.
Apostles are witnesses of Jesus Christ and testify to all the world of His divine mission. Christ Himself ordained twelve Apostles during His earthly ministry. Today twelve living Apostles have been given the same charge to teach and testify of Him.
Carol F. McConkie, First Counselor in the Young Women’s Presidency, describes why God calls prophets. A group of youth discover the importance of listening to the right voices when charting their course.