Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints believe that God gave us families to help us become the people He wants us to be. They believe that the family is ordained of God and that even after we die, God wants us to be together with our families in heaven. So, it’s not surprising that Latter-day Saints believe family time should be a priority here on earth!
What is family home evening?
Latter-day Saints are counseled to set aside time on one night each week to learn and play together as a family. This time is called family home evening. Family home evening is a Latter-day Saint tradition that has been around for over a century (see “100 Years of Family Home Evening,” Liahona, Apr. 2015, 80). Family home evening is typically held on Monday nights, but it can be held on any night of the week.

What do Latter-day Saint families do during family home evening?
Family home evening is a time to strengthen bonds between family members. It is a time for families to grow closer together. Family home evening activities can be as simple or as structured as a family wishes; what’s most important is spending time together doing something fun. During family home evening, many Latter-day Saint families enjoy playing games, participating in sports together, singing, serving others, eating treats, and sharing talents. Latter-day Saints believe that having family home evening can bring feelings of peace, unity, and love into a home.
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are Christians, and also believe that family home evening is a time for parents to teach their children about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Latter-day Saints believe in the Bible’s teaching that parents should bring their children up “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (see Ephesians 6:4). Additional Latter-day Saint scripture teaches that parents should “teach their children to pray, and to walk uprightly before the Lord” (see D&C 68:28). Accordingly, many Latter-day Saint families start and end family home evening with prayer. During family home evening, families also study God’s word together and discuss questions or concerns that family members may have about gospel topics.
How can I learn about God’s plan for my family?
Are you curious to learn more about Latter-day Saint beliefs about families and what God desires for your family? To learn more about God’s plan for families, visit