President Nelson encourages everyone to increase their ability to Hear Him.
Get inspired to #GoandDoGood by listening to young people from across Europe perform a beautiful rendition of the song “Glorious”.
President Russell M. Nelson, with the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, makes a bicentennial proclamation on The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
President Russell M. Nelson gives a message of comfort as the efforts to protect our communities from the COVID-19 pandemic continue. He talks of the peace that comes only through Jesus Christ.
Elder Gerrit W. Gong tells us of how we can receive the blessings of making covenants with God.
Sister Lisa L. Harkness describes how we can be disciples of Christ as we live our lives.
Get inspired to #GoandDoGood by listening to young people from across Europe perform a beautiful rendition of the song “Glorious”.
Sister Christina B. Franco encourages in our efforts to feel the joy of sharing the gospel.
President Russell M. Nelson reminds the sisters of the Church of how they can draw on God's power in our lives.
Sister Michelle Craig describes how we can best follow the spirit in our lives to bless others and ourselves.
Elder Ulisses Soares helps us to understand how enduring adversity with Christ is made possible through the gospel.
Elder Neil L. Andersen describes how we can feel the love of God in our lives.