President Russell M. Nelson bears his testimony of the Saviour since his call as an apostle in 1984.
President Nelson discusses the importance of women and their divine role in the kingdom of God.
Elder Neil L. Andersen outlines the blessings of having a prophet on the earth today.
The Book of Mormon can help to bring you closer to the Saviour in your daily life.
Russell M. Nelson talks about how we can be happy by having good values in our life.
Listen to the words of modern-day apostles of Jesus Christ as they speak at the October 2017 worldwide conference.
The apostle Elder Russel M. Nelson testifies that Jesus Christ leads His church today through living prophets who reveal His will.
President Russell M. Nelson declares the importance of calling the Lord’s church by the name He established.
Listen to the words of modern-day church leaders and apostles of Jesus Christ as they speak at the April 2018 worldwide conference.
What can you do to love and care for the Earth and for those around you?
President Russell M. Nelson testifies of the blessings of Sabbath day observance.
President Russell M. Nelson highlights the importance of Family History and Temple Work.