Back in December, during our mission's 'Christ Child' DVD campaign, we received a referral for a man named G. We immediately called him and were able to set up an appointment. Unfortunately, we ended up rescheduling with him three times due to unforeseen events. When we finally got to see G., he welcomed us into his home. From there, we began to get to know him and he opened up about the experiences that had lead to his interest in God and Jesus Christ. We were able to sneak in a question about why he had asked for the DVD and he confessed that he wasn’t super interested in it. In reality, he had seen our DVD ad on Facebook and simply felt that we had something he needed in his life.

G. just wanted to get in contact with us so he could attend our Church services. His admission nearly blew our socks off! We set up a second appointment and the rest is history. The more we shared with G. the more enthusiastic he became. By our third lesson, we were discussing baptism and he told us that he wanted to follow Christ’s example by being baptized. What a joy that was to hear! We were able to set his baptismal date for January 16; however, the week before, he was forced to go into a 14-day quarantine. This ended up being a big blessing for us as G. was still struggling with smoking. During his quarantine, we dropped off a “quit smoking program” at his house and he got to work on it. In the end, G. stopped smoking completely within 7 days and was later baptized and confirmed a member of the Church on January 23rd. It was an absolute miracle!
Elders Patterson & Kempenaers
Belgium / Netherlands Mission