Pioneering Members
In May 1940 third-generation British Latter-day Saint Arthur Willmott goes missing near Dunkirk, France.
From Dundee, Scotland to Liverpool where he would board a ship to travel to America
Orson F. Whitney was born in Salt Lake City in 1855 and was third generation Latter-Day Saint
While searching for the true gospel William Solomon described himself as a sheep without a shepherd
In 1931 James & Elizabeth Wallis arrived in Britain to strengthen the Church and fulfil a unique mission
In 1931, James and Elizabeth Wallis arrived in the British Mission to strengthen the Church and fulfil a unique mission.
I present this story as told by my ancestor George Budd for faith-promoting purposes, and hope that all who read it will be impressed
At age fourteen, Robert, a native of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, secured an apprenticeship as a moulder.
My great grandmother, Mary Ann Owen, was the first of my family to join the Church, in 1903 in Birmingham
WWII veteran, footballer, playwriter/producer, businessman and first Stake President in Sunderland