The Church Builders who laboured in the British Isles were supported by a wide range of support staff, including office administrators, architects, managers, building supervisors and others. Please note this is not a complete list and will be updated with new profiles and names as we find them. There were hundreds of people involved in the programme.
Church Builders
- Leon Abbott
- Michael John Adamson
- Thomas William Akenhead (1961-1963)
- John Anderson
- Brian Austin
- Terry Bates
- Gordon Beharrell
- Frank Blease (6 April 1961 – 26 August 1963)
- William Boagey
- Stuart Bourne
- David George Bourne
- Martin Bowles
- Stuart Bowrne
- Dennis Boydell
- Dennis Campbell (2 June 1964 – 15 October 1966)
- Norman Trevor Charlton
- Peter Chapman
- Trevor Cobain
- Michael John Cooper
- Derek Coulthard
- Brian Mark Crabtree
- Christopher Alan Crabtree
- Tom Crookes
- Ronald Michael Daniels
- Arthur Davies
- Trevor Day
- Hyrum Oliver H. Dewsnup
- Raymond Douglas
- David Draper
- John Dysart
- Gordon Edwards
- David Ellis
- Paul Emmerson
- David Fanwick
- John Fenwick (1961-1963)
- Terrance G. Fielding (1961-1963)
- James Finch
- Keith Fisher
- Patrick Fothergill
- Terrence Gardner
- Royce Goodier
- Frederick Charles Harrald
- Arthur V. Harris (July 1968-1970)
- Peter Lawrence Hatch
- Andrew Hancock
- Roger Hart
- John Headlington
- Anthony Hipkins
- Roger Horton
- Keith Hulse
- Roy Johnson
- Owen Johnson
- Arnold Jones
- Leighton Jones
- Hefin Jones (1961-1963)
- Alan Kennington
- Trevor C. Kennington
- Andrew Kincaid
- Peter King
- Robert Lang
- Barry F. Lee
- Thomas Leigh
- Arthur Leonard
- Raymond Marshall
- Robert Mawle (1961-1963)
- Malcolm Metcalfe (1961-1963)
- Jim Miller (1964-1966)
- John Mills
- Anthony Monks
- David Mordecai
- David Mount
- Thomas Muir
- Alan Munn
- Geoffrey Nugent
- Michael William Page
- Hans Paul
- John W. Passey
- Robert E. S. Peacock
- Jim Peden
- James E. Perry
- Philip Redman (1964-1966)
- Geoffrey Robinson
- John Robson
- Brian Roper
- Dean Sargent
- George Simpson
- John Michael Simpson
- Frank Smith
- Arthur Stamp
- Thomas Dennis Star
- Alex Stewart
- Peter Sullivan
- Gregg Thornhill
- Ian Taylor
- Peter Taylor
- Peter Tennant
- John Waldron
- William Wallace (c.1968)
- Paul Watson
- John Jeremiah Wilkinson
- Peter Witcherley (1961-1963)
- Raymond Yoward
Church Building Supervisors
- K. Adams
- Austin Hardy Anderson
- E. J. Asay
- S. S. Barrett
- F. Arville Biesinger
- Rex Bollschweiler
- John Henry Boren
- John Niel Bradley
- D. Broderick
- H. D. Brown
- Ira Carrell Buchanan
- S. Burch
- R. Burt
- Albert Byrnes
- Lavere Benjamin Cline
- D. R. Cook
- C. Coon
- Frederick J. Curtis
- Ralph Dahlberg
- Ronald T. Davis
- C. Decker
- Nicholas DeJel
- Elmo Despain
- A. Dickson
- K. I. Durfee
- Claude L. Erickson
- R. Fairholm
- E. Faislev
- M. J. Fish
- Ray V. Fisher
- Anton J. Gleason
- Desmond Gormon
- Richard Burton Green
- Francis Oliver Grundvig
- George A. Hansen
- Marvin Sudbury Harding
- Carlton A Harris
- Sidney H. Hayward
- M. P. Headman
- Lewis Ray Hiatt
- Stephen C. James
- Hans Jensen
- Clifford L Johnson
- R Kendrick
- Ralph E. Lane
- Don Garry Lassig
- Wayne Laws
- William B Lawther
- Stanley Lynch
- Lowell Machen
- Theodore John May
- Stevenson McDonald
- H Merrill
- W Mitton
- Maurice G Moore
- E Morgan
- Dellos Morrill
- James Allen Morse
- Peter Mourik
- Floyd T Neilson
- Myron D Neuffer
- P Oliver
- Ralph Orr
- M Pearson
- Albert Earl Peay
- G E Quick
- Leith M. Seely
- S. U. Smith
- Robert E. Smithson
- William J Soule
- Jeffrey Sparks
- Carl E Spencer
- G Stettler
- Golden R Stettler
- Alfred Steward
- Walter T. Stewart
- William George Streibel
- Peter Tanner
- Evan B. Theobold
- J M Thornton
- J H Tison
- E L Todd
- M F Wade
- J Wallace
- David Craig Watson
- W N Wheeler
- G Wilcken
- James Wood
- David O. Woodbury
- Donovan H Worthen
- Lawrence Wortley
- Haydn Andrew
- George Z. Aposhian
- Steven T. Baird
- George R. Beisinger
- Thomas Birchall
- Stanford W. Bird
- John Neil Bradly
- Wesley Carter
- James A. Dennis
- Gerald Heber Hart
- Frank D. Holland
- Lewis W. Moore
- George Berdett Ogden
- Howard N. Page
- Wesley Roberts
- Albert V. Stirling
- James Leroy Titmus
Office Girls
- Wendy Baker
- Anita Blake
- Marilyn Carter
- Gillian Edwards
- Doreen Maisie Gunn
- Janice Howells
- Sylvia Johnstone
- Ruth Marie Lassig
- Susan Lee
- Ivy Magowan
- Anne Moffett
- Sian Morgan
- Astrid Steen-Nielssen
- Elizabeth Otene
- Margaret Tonge
- Suzette Towse
- Maureen Ursenbach
- Marian Whitehead
Office Staff
- Roland Way
House Mother
- Edith Bond
- Mary Woodlife
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