Canterbury members rally for little Sabine

Canterbury members rally for little Sabine

Sometimes the smallest people can make the biggest impact, and for the members of the Canterbury congregation, little Sabine White is making quite the impact indeed.

In September 2013, two-year-old Sabine was brought into the local hospital after developing a rash on her legs. It was then that she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Her small, frail body did not take well to the chemotherapy, so she spent quite a bit of time in the hospital.  

'She has spent the majority of her time in hospital due to side effects from the chemotherapy,” said Sabine’s parents, Simon and Amber White. “These side effects have included respiratory arrest and complete neuropathy.  During these episodes, she has had numerous lengthy stays in the Padua Ward of the William Harvey Hospital where she has received great care and attention. '

Members of Canterbury congregation have been inspired by the White family’s ability to endure the obstacles of Sabine’s illness.

“Simon and Amber have been absolute examples of faith,” said Naomi Potter, Canterbury Ward’s Relief Society president. “Throughout it all they have supported their family of three children—Asher, Maddie and Sabine—with the utmost amount of love and care that anyone would be proud of. They have spoken about how their faith in the gospel plan gives them hope and strength to cope with this trial.”

Members wanting to help out were limited in their ability to assist the White family.

“As a congregation there was little we could do,” said Potter. “Even dinners were not very helpful because of the risk of contamination in reheating food and the family wanting Sabine to eat the same as them.”

It was then that the congregation’s women’s organization, ‘Relief Society’, turned to organising a ‘Push, Walk, Run Mile’ to raise funds for the Padua Ward in the William Harvey Hospital, where Sabine frequently stays when she is poorly.

Twenty-three women, along with husbands, children and youth, pushed, walked and ran a mile along Whitstable beach to raise funds for Sabine. Together, they have been able to collect more than £3,000.


The members will endeavour to continue finding ways to support the White family and ensure that Sabine is able to receive the best care possible.