Nuno and Clara Côrte-Real moved from Portugal to Norfolk, England, in the summer of 2011, after feeling prompted to do so. Within two short months of moving, Nuno was called to serve as the bishop of his new ward. At the time, he was unemployed and he and his family were just getting used to this new country with its language and cultural differences.
Although uncertain about his personal situation, Nuno was not hesitant in accepting whatever challenge the Lord had planned for him to take on.
Soon Nuno was blessed to find suitable employment and his children settled into their schools and became fluent in English.
He later learned that the Norwich stake president, Lawrence Vingoe, felt a strong impression to call Nuno as a bishop when they had shaken hands during two separate stake meetings.
In the 2010 General Conference, President Monson, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, asked for more senior missionaries to serve. Norwich Stake President Lawrence Vingoe felt something deep in his heart at that call to serve.
“I had the strong impression that my wife and I could be one of those senior missionaries,” President Vingoe said.
At the time, the Vingoes’ prospects of serving a mission were quite dim, as Sister Vingoe, Michelle, had a poor turn in health.
The Vingoes decided to pray to know what direction they should take in their life. Coincidentally, after the Vingoes turned to fasting and prayer to receive an answer, the Area Presidency decided to release President Vingoe from his calling as stake president. He was told he could now serve a mission if he wanted to, even with health limitations in place. In the same day he was released, he and his wife submitted their mission papers to serve a mission for the Church.
In December the Vingoes received their call to serve in the England Leeds Mission as CES specialists.
President Vingoe was released, but not before Nuno Côrte-Real was called to serve as the new stake president.