John Anderson - Church Builder

John Anderson
John Anderson

I was born in Harpenden, Hertfordshire in May 1942 and first heard of the Gospel when one day, being bored and with nothing to do, a friend asked me if I would like to go to Mutual with him that evening. I enjoyed the evening so much that I started going regularly and also to Sunday School and Sacrament meetings. After I had attended these meetings for about twelve weeks I asked to be baptized. I had prayed about joining the Church and knew it was the only true Church on the earth. I was baptized on October 22, 1955. At this time I am the only member of the Church in my family.

When I was ordained a Deacon I made up my mind to study the Gospel so that I would be able to go on a mission. I knew that the Lord was blessing me when I was called to work in the St. Albans Branch in the M. I. A. Soon after that I was called to be first counselor in the Sunday School. It wasn’t long until I received my call to serve in the capacity of a labour missionary. I was set apart by President Hemingway of the London Stake on the 10th of June, 1961. To be able to work in Reading with Brother Erickson, the Building Supervisor is indeed a privilege and a blessing.

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