The blessings of tithing help us to become more spiritually and temporally self-reliant.
Europe Area Goals – Learn how you can begin your journey to Becoming Spiritually and Temporally Self-Reliant.
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf explains how our self reliance will help us strengthen others.
Children explains how they can perform missionary work by simple means and therefore come closer to Christ.
Elder Robert D. Hales describes the blessings of General Conference.
President Russell M. Nelson testifies of the blessings of Sabbath day observance.
How are you reaching your goals?
Elder Ballard encourages the Young Adults to raise the bar and become the greatest generation the church has ever seen.
Take the challenge from Elder Ballard and bring a friend.
Elder Bednar invites youth in Europe to do Family History.
Cristina shares with us the things she does each and everyday to develop habits of self-reliance.