Boy Scout leads JustServe implementation for Dublin Stake

by John Connolly

Boy Scout

Sam Gray, a fifteen-year-old Aaronic Priesthood holder and boy scout took the lead in setting up the JustServe programme in the Dublin Ireland Stake.  Sam was looking for a project that would help him achieve his Eagle pin, the highest rank a Scout can earn.  The project needed to benefit the community or country in which he lives.

While looking for a potential project Sam and his dad spoke with President Coffey, Stake President, who asked Sam if he would consider taking the lead in setting up JustServe for the Stake.  Sam said that it sounded amazing as it matched all the requirements of his project, and it could grow over time.  Sam prepared a project proposal, a project workbook and a project report before he spoke to his Scout leader and President Coffey to get final approval for the project. 

Sam met with President Holton, a counsellor in the Stake Presidency and they agreed to hold the first meeting of the Stake’s JustServe Committee.  It consisted of President Holton, the Stake Relief Society President, a Public Communications representative, a few members of the Stake and Sam, who hosted the meeting.  It was a slow start, but momentum increased and continued to do so under Sam’s guidance and leadership.

Initially, the Committee got eight organisations signed up with opportunities for volunteers.   It also set up a JustServe Facebook page for the Stake.  There are currently over 50 opportunities posted on  Sam will soon be leaving so his leadership role is now being taken on by another member of the Stake.

Sam said he would like to thank President Holton, and the JustServe Committee, for all the help they have given him; they did much that he couldn’t do himself.  He continued, “I would like to especially thank my Mum and Dad.  I used to think it was weird that the Boy Scouts award parents and give them an Eagle Pin as well but now I realize why, it’s because of all the work and time they put into helping their Scout get to that point.  I have really enjoyed working on this project and helping not only our Stake but also the entire country.  I’ve been contacted by several members of the Limerick District and the Belfast Stake who are eager to learn more about JustServe and how to get it up and running.  I would encourage everyone to sign up and get serving.  I can’t wait to see how JustServe develops and grows over the next period.”