Believe, Love, Do
Learn how the Book of Mormon stands side by side with the Bible as another Testament of Jesus Christ.
The Holy Bible is a sacred book that contains the word of God. It foretells the coming of Jesus Christ and describes His life, His mission, and His sacred role as the Son of God and Savior of the world.
The Book of Mormon teaches about God and Jesus Christ. It was written in an ancient language on gold plates by prophets in ancient America. Later, Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon into English through the gift and power of God.
This video sums up the Book of Mormon in 60 seconds. It answers the questions, “What is the Book of Mormon?” “When did it take place?” “Who is in it?” and “Why is it another book of scripture and testament of Jesus Christ?”
A young bishop in England describes how the Book of Mormon came to life for him and changed his perspective forever.
A seasoned leader discusses the role of the scriptures in his personal life and callings over the years as he strives to reflect the love God has for his children.