Sister missionaries find creative ways to film videos that uplift their friends.
Missionaries teach young women how to post uplifting and gospel oriented content on social media.
Watching an online devotional touches a young family and they feel the desire to learn more about God.
By contacting people that were taught by previous missionaries, three sister missionaries now teach 23 friends that are preparing for baptism.
Missionaries and members work together to have spiritual online church meetings. People they are teaching attend more often, are uplifted and build relationships with the ward.
A sister missionary is able to feel God's guidance as she is accepting His plan and continuing the work. She finds succes in missionary work through Family History.
Missionaries invite a new church member to join in their lesson with another young man. The two men become good friends as they grow in the gospel together.
A mission puts on an online concert onto Facebook of two sister missionaries to uplift their community.
Missionaries in Milan excitedly support the local Rise & Reach initiative by organizing weekly activities for the local youth.
As a sister missionary is assigned to different missions, she learns to trust the Lord and realises the blessings from serving in different places.
Elder in Germany uses his art talent to share the gospel and express his testimony.
Sisters in Germany working together with the ward leaders to reach out to every single member and some of their friends to offer service and spiritual messages.