Elder Ballard explains to the members of the church how it is they can create a gospel sharing home.
Arsel tells his friends he is a Mormon and shares his beliefs.
How can you accomplish more for yourself, your ancestors and others through following the Europe Area Plan?
Sam and Loris invited non-member friends to their baptism.
President Thomas S. Monson helps us to identify opportunities for service.
Leaders have been chosen to lead. Lead like the Savior.
What will you do to go to the rescue?
President Thomas S. Monson helps priesthood holders understand the duty and responsibility they have in bearing this sacred authority.
A Challenge Accepted. A Promise Kept.
Eight year old Abigeil helped her father to attend Church again.
Elder Dallin H. Oaks helps us to develop the Christ-like attributes required for sharing the Gospel.
Elder M. Russell Ballard invites us all to bring a friend to church at Christmas time.