Here are some notable quotes:
“Following the First Vision, the miraculous coming forth of the Book of Mormon is the second fundamental milestone of the unfolding restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ in this dispensation.”
Ulisses Soares
“We understand clearly that not every trial we face will have a result we wish for.”
John A. McCune
“Receiving the full blessings of the Savior’s Atonement is conditioned upon our diligence in living the doctrine of Christ.”
Gérald Caussé
“The Saviour loves to restore what you cannot restore. He loves to heal wounds you cannot heal. He loves to fix what has been irreparably broken.”
Dale G. Renlund
“By consistently applying the doctrine of Christ in our lives, we will overcome inertia that impedes change and fear that foils action.”
Benjamin M. Z. Tai

“We might ask ourselves, ‘How could this extensive renewal of the Salt Lake Temple inspire us to undergo our own spiritual renewal, reconstruction, rebirth, revitalization or restoration?’”
Gary E. Stevenson