'This story is particularly interesting as it testifies of the importance of technology in the work, of the revelation behind the re-assignment of missionaries, and of the reality that nothing can, nor will, frustrate the work of the Lord. I received the following from Elder Perry, a young missionary previously serving in the Benin Cotonou Mission and re-assigned to the France Lyon Mission as a result of the Coronavirus.'
“I remember an interview I had with President Goury (Editor's note: of the Benin Cotonou Mission) during which he shared with me his hope that some day the Gospel would spread all the way to the northern region of Benin. He told me he had the faith that this would come true. The other day, while searching for contacts on Facebook, Elder Kroeger and I received a message from a pastor in the northern part of Benin. He did not know why, but felt that he should talk to us. We called him and shared our message with him. He said that he was sorry because he is a pastor and had been leading his brothers and sisters away from the true path. He knows that our message is true. We invited him to participate in our sacrament meeting. He participated with his entire family. He loved the testimonies that were shared, especially one by a returning member. I thought to myself, 'Wow, everything is connected and the Lord has prepared a way for us to find these people.' This pastor P. promised that he would share our message and the Book of Mormon with his entire congregation. I asked him to help find other brothers and sisters for us to teach and that is what he did. This has opened my eyes to technology and the blessings of this powerful tool when we use it effectively. It has reminded me that the Lord remembers all of His children. P. is the most humble pastor I have met on my mission, willing to receive our message, ponder and ask. He is going to prepare others to receive the Gospel, and one day missionaries will go there and baptize them.”
Upon receiving this message from Elder Perry, President Giraud-Carrier shared it with President Goury of the Benin Cotonou Mission and received the following response.
'Thank you for sharing with me this wonderful experience Elder Perry had… His last area was more than 2.5 hours north of the capital. Today, we have no more full-time missionaries in that area, but the seeds they planted continue to produce. The branch president is using a few young men that we have trained as mini-missionaries to serve in that remote area. In the last 6 weeks, we have had 12 baptisms and confirmations in that region. The teaching is done by the mini-missionaries, assisted by phone (not Android phones) by the assistants. When we find that people are ready, they go to the branch president’s home, and we do the baptismal interviews from there via Zoom. Soon, we will receive Android phones. And I am sure this will help us even more. I asked Elder Perry to put me in touch with Mr P., and we will see how best to assist him. Everything is possible with the Lord’s help.'
A few days later, President Goury again contacted President Giraud-Carrier with an amazing update: 'I just finished talking with Pastor P. It is very touching to listen to him. He is willing to follow the restored Gospel with his family and all of the members of his current church. He says that he is the leader of the district of his church consisting of 5 congregations of about 800 people. He says he has a meeting this evening with some of the members, and he will share with them the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that he received. Tomorrow, I shall meet one of the local leaders from the same region P. is from. I am sad that I only have 3 weeks left, but I will make the most of them.'
As President Giraud-Carrier testifies: 'Clearly, the Lord is not confined and He will find ways to make His Gospel roll forth and fill the earth!'
President Giraud-Carrier
France Lyon Mission