Easter Videos
Sharing the Book of Mormon requires, courage, sincere love and faith but it doesn't require a physical copy. Now you can share the Book of Mormon app with family and friends easily.
Sometimes we can forget the simplicity of sharing the gospel, it can be as straightforward as sharing how we feel or an experience we have had.
If we look for them, there are opportunities all around for us to offer simple invitations which can lead to miraculous blessings for the people we know and meet.
When we perform acts of kindness, we can help bring about a change of heart in those around us.
Kindness can heal wounds that may be caused through misunderstandings or even hurtful actions.
When we take the time to think of others our small acts of kindness can change the world.
Sometimes it seems that children know best. They can be an example of how we should all show kindness to each other.
A Bosnian truck driver compares the maps and GPS guidance he needs as a driver, to the guidance we need from Heavenly Father to get through the roads of life.
A father realizes how important it is to spend time with his son when the young boy offers to buy some of his time.
A sister missionary gets reassigned because of the Corona pandemic and learns to find peace in these unexpected circumstances.
The gospel gave Monika peace in difficult times and continues to help her to be happy.
For a young Peter Johnson, Christmases were never the same after his parents divorced. He felt a deep hole in his soul that he longed to fill