Elders in Iceland were answers to someone else's prayer and were able to find people that are now working towards baptism through online finding.
Elders in Hungary are able to teach their friends more frequently, prepare them for baptism and involve members in their teaching.
Elders in Germany find someone over Facebook who ends up being taught with member friends. Her mother is listening to the lessons behind the camera and ends up wanting to be baptized as well.
Sisters in Netherland reach out to members during quarantine and find a returning sister whom they teach over video call.
By contacting people that were taught by previous missionaries, three sister missionaries now teach 23 friends that are preparing for baptism.
Sisters in Portugal share the conversion story of a security guard that works at the temple.
Members reach out to the missionaries because a family member is interested in learning more about the Church. After a few lessons, he has the desire to be baptized.