Quarantine has been fantastic! Our first week, we decided to go through all old potentials and friends of the church. We were able to get some appointments and had some great lessons! And it turns out, 2 people who were just numbers in our phone at first, now say they have a testimony of the truth and want to be baptized!!!
We have started meeting with one of them every single day to help him progress and we are excited to see the progress he will continue to make.
Next, we made contact with the ward and started contacting every single person on the list. We were able to get in contact with less actives who even the bishop didn't know and now we have some return appointments for the coming week!
We became SO busy trying to share the 1st Vision that we had 9 appointments on ONE DAY!!!!!! It was really miraculous to see how the Lord helps us use technology in our efforts.
Another amazing thing is that every single day we meet with one of our less active members and she is starting to grow so much. It has been incredible to see her light grow brighter each day.
It wasn't possible before quarantine but through technology and the help of the Lord, we have become more flexible and people are more open to us. We can do missionary work without even having to leave the apartment and we are still doing so much good! This is the best thing ever!!! There has never been a more productive time on our missions than now. Technology and the Holy Ghost are our best friends!
Sister Hodnett & Sister Groeneveld
Bonstetten Switzerland
Alpine Mission