Mormon Half Marathon – a real Charity Event (Selsdon)

Mormon Half Marathon – a real Charity Event (Selsdon)

The Selsdon Half Marathon, now in its 8th year, is a real charity event in more ways than one.  Not only is it organised by a Ward of the Church, the Selsdon Ward in the Maidstone Stake, which being part of the Church is itself a charitable organisation, but also, all the proceeds, after basic costs have been covered, go to two charities – the ‘South East Cancer Help Centre’ and ‘Reach the Children’.  In 2016 the event has raised more than £1,500 for these two charities.

New Race Category

In 2017 opportunities for Church members and non-members to participate will expand to include a new category – the Half Marathon Relay Race.  If you are not quite ready to run the full half marathon distance, you can still take part by joining in with two other friends and getting a relay team together.  Each participant runs a 4.36 mile leg.  The Relay Trophy will go to the team that completes the 13.1 mile course in the fastest time.

Next Race

Put the date SATURDAY 18TH MARCH 2017 into your diary and start training now.  Book your place online at


Great Reach-Out Event

Although aimed primarily at Church members, the Selsdon Half Marathon attracts runners from all over the country and more than 60% of them are not members of the Church. Invite your non-member friends to join you in running in what has become a great ‘reach-out’ event.

Volunteers Needed

Pictured is Sister Margaret Hogg, one of the many stalwart members of the Selsdon Ward, who have volunteered as Marshals since the race events were first held in 2010.  If you would like to help out at the event on the day please email: