How important is a family?

by Bonno Rantsha

Family Reunion in Botswana

At the age of 10 my mum past away which left me with a step dad.  My older brother was living in the UK, Edinburgh Scotland and asked me to come live with him. I was 16 when I introduced to the gospel.

I was taught the beautiful gospel of Jesus Christ and embraced the plan of salvation that led to getting my mothers temple work done.

My patriarchal blessing states that I will share the gospel to the country which I was born in so when I was called to serve a mission in England London South I was a little confused. I thought maybe my blessing meant born spiritually as I was baptized in the UK.

However Saturday 28th of April 2018 my dreams came true as I made a visit to Botswana and shared the gospel with my family in Botswana, where I was born. I visited my biological father after 20 years who then introduced me to my half brothers and sisters which, once again  we were able to explain what church we attend.

'I went home to Botswana to share the gospel to my family. Over 150 people turned up, relatives, friends and neighbors. It was a marvelous experience'

It’s a great feeling to know that part of my blessing has been fulfilled and I was able to do it with my beautiful wife Megan Rantsha beside me. The seeds have been planted, I hope and pray that the spirit will work with my relatives.

I’m grateful for the missionaries that taught me the gospel for 11 years last month and the missionaries that turned up in Kanye, Botswana to help share the gospel to my family. Over 150 people turned up, relatives, friends and neighbors. It was a marvelous experience.

I am grateful to know the importance of family, to know we can all return and live happily again. The gospel of Jesus Christ is really beautiful.
“As I have loved you, love one another”

I felt the Lord was telling me as I love my family so much, I sent you(Bonno and Megan) go out to testify. What a spiritual experience I had with my relatives.

When out in Botswana I started trying to compile my family history. Since coming home I have prepared my grandparents names to take to the temple. These blessings that come from Heaven are real.