On 11 March 1954, the Doncaster Chapel was finally completed, with the central heating having been fitted the month previously. For the previous twenty years, members had met at 3 Trafford Street, in an upper room. The branch had been organised in the final years of the nineteenth century and now had a place of their own to meet in.
The new property had been purchased in November 1952, and the bulk of the work was completed by 16 August 1953. The former hotel was located on 1 Auckland Road, and the members were delighted with the building.
‘Now we have a lovely church of our own to worship in, beautifully and tastefully decorated and fitted and situated in its own grounds. More wonderful still is the spirit of reverence and unity found therein. A spirit we hope to foster and cherish as the church progresses here in Doncaster, as we feel it will. Out thoughts go out to the less fortunate branches and we say “have faith, live the Gospel, and the same sweet joy will be yours.”
Alvin I. Holton, Doncaster Branch President

This article is part of the UK & Ireland Church History website: https://www.lds.org.uk/church-history