Area Seventy visits Reading Stake Conference

Area Seventy visits Reading Stake Conference

Attending the Reading Stake Conference recently, Elder Joaquim J. Moreira, Area Seventy from Portugal, held aloft a copy of the Preach My Gospel manual, and commended it as “a mine of pearls”.

Preach My Gospel

“If you want to understand the doctrines of the Lord’s kingdom and find the keys to a happy life,” he said, 'learn from this manual the plain and precious truths our missionaries are teaching the world. For everyone, this book is a mine of pearls! It reveals how the Lord’s plan of happiness can and should be the foundation of our lives.'

He observed, “Each day that you study the scriptures and pray the Spirit will be with you, then apply the doctrine, you gain fresh drops of oil in your lamp. This gives light to your own journey, and makes you a beacon for others to find the truth they seek.”

Elder Moreira cited the April 2013 General Conference address by Elder Neil L. Anderson: 'If you’re not a full-time missionary with a missionary badge pinned on your coat, now is the time to paint one on your heart”, and asked the members to ponder its meaning.

He explained, 'Every day you can ask Heavenly Father to place someone in your path so you can share your feelings about the gospel you are a living example of. Trust in Him. He knows who is ready and will bring them to you. Every member can be a missionary to hasten the work of salvation.'

Elder Moreira spoke at every session of the conference, with special meetings with the youth plus new and returning members. He shared the following insights:

“The Lord never forgets us. He knows each of us and is ever involved in the process of refining our character so we can live with Him one day. Sometimes this means giving us trials to endure or tests to complete. We must be tested, and rejoice when those tests come.'