A sister missionary is able to feel God's guidance as she is accepting His plan and continuing the work. She finds succes in missionary work through Family History.
A mission puts on an online concert onto Facebook of two sister missionaries to uplift their community.
Missionaries in Milan excitedly support the local Rise & Reach initiative by organizing weekly activities for the local youth.
Sister missionaries connect with a musician over their shared interest and create a personal connection with him.
Sisters in Spain use their musical talents and play music to touch the hearts of many.
Elders in Italy start online study groups and host social activities over Zoom to serve members and connect with them.
Sisters in Slovakia share to be oneself during online finding and how to make personal connections even online.
Sisters in Iceland find service opportunities through online ads, volunteer and make many positive connections.
Elders in Sweden offer to help with Family History on Facebook and with the help of the members teach people more about it through Zoom.
Sisters in North Carolina share an app that helps missionaries to learn certain missionary skills that they don't learn in the MTC.
Sisters in New York learn through the EdApp how to be successful online missionaries and work with many different methods.
Elders in Finland have Zoom Family Home Evenings to strengthen the ward family.