Two apostles address Mormon women in Europe

Two apostles address Mormon women in Europe

More than 400 women gathered in Offenbach, Germany, on Tuesday, September 9, 2014, to hear messages of love and inspiration from two apostles and other leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Thousands more participated via satellite broadcast in almost 500 meeting places throughout Europe and over the internet.

Elder M. Russell Ballard and Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles were among those addressing this special meeting for girls and women ages eight years and above. Elder Ballard told the women of the Church that they were cherished by God and that their voices were needed. Elder Bednar thanked his listeners for their goodness and invited them to follow their hearts. Other male and female speakers encouraged the audience to trust God and be united in their faith in Jesus Christ.

According to Silke Langner, Relief Society President in the Frankfurt Stake and one of the female speakers, who also conducted the meeting, “The qualities of strength and leadership in women come from God-given gifts to guide and bless generations. What we think and do each day matters, not only to ourselves, but to every life we touch and influence”.

The office of an apostle is the highest priesthood office in the Church. Apostles serve for life and are special witnesses of Jesus Christ to the world. They fill the highest governing bodies of the Church. A video podcast of the meeting is available online.

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