Two Lancashire business people joined forces to form a voluntary group called Holiday Hunger East Lancashire.
Sister Little had reservations about serving a mission due to a chronic illness, but an opportunity to fulfil a service mission answered her prayers.
Bishop Les Pointer of the Telford Ward accepted an award on behalf of the church in recognition for its generous support of the Telford and Wrekin Interfaith Council.
Elder Samuel Barlow decided to leave his boat and fishing career to serve the Lord as a full-time service missionary.
A handful of miracles helped a deaf member enjoy the blessings of the gospel during lockdown.
In October, a group of young adults, missionaries and stake leaders from Northampton Stake got together to help the Buckingham Canal Society.
Sometimes things are in knots, sometimes we wish we had a different colour, or were situated in another part of the tapestry. All we can do is trust that we are exactly where we need to be.
Thanks to the spirit of service, an unexpected opportunity arose to bless the life of a lady with difficulties.
Marusia Lawrence, long-time member of Aylesbury Ward, helps preserve Remembrance day in her town.
Members of Paignton Ward don their Helping Hands T-shirts and make their way to the local park.