Increasing Faith Through Christ’s Constant Love

Area Leadership Message

Europe Area President
Elder Patrick Kearon, Great Britain Europe Area President

The Savior is the perfect example of love in thought, word, and deed. The scriptures give us insight into His loving nature. As the Redeemer washed the apostles' feet, He taught, 'A new commandment I give unto you. That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.' [1] Christ invites us to look for ways to show and to feel greater love in our lives.

Through this simple plan, we have opportunities to learn about the Savior and His love. These three steps bring us closer to Him and His teachings.

First, bring a friend. The Savior loves each and every one of God's children. We can grow to see ourselves and others as He does. Be a good friend. A simple text message or phone call can make a big difference in another's life. Invite a friend to join you for a walk, to eat with you, and to come to church with you. You will become more aware of that friend’s joys and needs, and be given opportunities to share the pure love of Christ.[2]

Second, become spiritually and temporally self-reliant. When revelation comes, respond swiftly. Revelation can be directed towards both spiritual and temporal matters. Spiritual strength can be increased by reading scripture more regularly and fasting with greater purpose. You may receive a prompting to advance in education, apply for a better job, or to increase your personal savings. As you become more self-reliant, you will be more capable of strengthening others. 

Third, find an ancestor. Through finding an ancestor, you can discover more about who you are and where you come from. This knowledge will lead to an even greater understanding of where you are going. As you discover new connections to your ancestors, you will come to a deeper understanding that you are a loved daughter or son of God.

As you steadily act on these three invitations, setting a goal for each, you will begin to receive the reward promised to those who strive for righteousness, even peace in this world and eternal life in the world to come.[3] Working on these goals with constant Christ-like love will bring you a deeper appreciation of the goodness of the gospel, and an increased desire to share it.[4]

[1]  John 13:34

[2] Moroni 7:47

[3] Doctrine and Covenants 59:23

[4] Alma 34:4