In a special recent invitation youth of the Sunderland Stake were challenged by Stake President Scott Spencer to personally find at least one ancestor’s name to take to the temple on their next temple visit. Following this call to action, there has been a significant increase in young men and young women accessing and engaging in their family history.
For two months leading up to the next temple visit, youth attended activities, met with ward family history consultants, talked with family members, and gave of their personal time to find at least one ancestor’s name to take to the temple. During this special time, the spirit of Elijah worked with the youth to help them discover that if they ‘bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be [their] joy with him in the kingdom of my Father.’ This joy increased as many youth found more than one ancestor who they could perform the work for in the temple.
On the 9th May, the youth travelled to the Preston Temple, where 28 young men and young women received baptism and confirmation ordinances for the family members they had found. The spirit was strong as the youth gathered together and there was also a noticeable increase in parents who wanted to attend the baptistery with their children. In addition to the youth who took on the temple challenge, older primary children preparing to enter the temple when they turn 12 years old, also completed the challenge and came to see the temple.
Just as it was spoken of in D&C 110:14-15, ‘Behold, the time has fully come, which was spoken of by the mouth of Malachi—testifying that he [Elijah] should be sent, before the great and dreadful day of the Lord come—To turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the children to the fathers.’