Ask of God - How can I learn to love others?
Easter Videos
Christ changed everything, and He can also change your life.
Because of Him, you can begin again. No matter where you are on life's journey, Jesus Christ can help you find a fresh start.
Join us for this musical celebration of Christ´s Atonement and Resurrection, performed by acclaimed violinists Jenny Oaks Baker.
This Easter season, enjoy an extraordinary holiday concert: THE REDEEMER - AN EASTER CELEBRATION. Join us as we commemorate the Atonement and Resurrection of our divine Redeemer. Coming April 2023.
We learn that whatever trials life places before us, He makes it possible for us to overcome them.
See how developing Christlike attributes can help us draw closer to Him this Easter.
When has Jesus Christ been there for you?
Jesus Christ is our Savior. Because of Him, we can change for the better and live again with God.
Celebrate Easter Because Jesus Christ Lives
An Easter Message about Jesus Christ
If we follow Jesus Christ, we will find new life. If we trust Him, He will show us the way back to God.
Find peace in a troubled world by learning more of Jesus Christ. This Easter season, learn principles of peace from the #PRINCEofPEACE.