A Framework for Personal Revelation
President Russell M. Nelson helps us to understand how ordinances of exaltation allow us to be with our families for eternity.
Elder Quentin L. Cook describes the blessings that come to us all as we share the Gospel by loving God’s children.
God will help you know how to serve, care for, and strengthen others.
President Henry B, Eyring describes what taking Christ’s name upon us entails.
Dale G. Renlund helps us to understand how following God’s commandments helps us to feel joy and become like our Father in Heaven.
Christina B. Franco explains how sacrificing to serve the Lord and our fellow man blesses everyone.
Dean M. Davies of the Presiding Bishopric teaches of the blessings we can receive as we listen to and follow God’s prophet today.
Elder Ulisses Soares describes how we can work together like the waters that form the Amazon river to bring about the blessings of ministering to others.
Dieter F. Uchtdorf encourages us to spend time with our families and not allow distractions to get in the way.
Henry B. Eyring emphasises that the most important work we do is done within the walls of our home.
M. Russell Ballard encourages us to do all we can to strengthen homes and families in a world pulling us in opposite directions.
President Russell M. Nelson declares the importance of calling Christ’s restored church by the name the Lord established.